UBR (UDDI Busines Registry) 폐쇄 소식

오늘 아침에 Microsoft, IBM의 UDDI 팀으로 부터 이메일을 받았습니다. 지금까지 운영해오던 UDDI 레지스트리를 폐쇄한다는 메일입니다. 이들이 운영하는 UDDI는 W3C 웹 서비스 기술을 주도적으로 개발해오던 컨소시엄 구성 기업들 (MS, IBM, SAP, HP, NTT)이 전 세계적으로 통용되는 공개 UDDI 레지스트리 클라우드(Cloud)를 구축한 것으로 한 기업의 UDDI에 정보를 등록하면 24시간마다 수행되는 동기화 작업에 의해서 나머지 4개 기업의 UDDI에 정보가 복사되어 결국 겉으로 보기에 하나의 UDDI를 보고 있는 것처럼 구현한 세계 유일의 완전 공개 UDDI 레지스트리였습니다.
그런데 이 UDDI 레지스트리들이 폐쇄된다는 메일을 받고 이유가 뭔지 알아봤더니 이미 UBR을 통해 웹 서비스 기술이 많은 발전을 거듭해왔고 많은 기업, 기관들이 이미 사설 UDDI를 운영중이기 때문에 더이상 UBR을 운영할 필요가 없다는 것입니다. (Now that the benefits of this technology have been realized and many organizations have established their own UDDI registries, the IBM-hosted UBR will be discontinued.)
이들 기업들이 비영리 목적으로 운영하는 UBR이 웹 서비스 관련 기술 발전에 많은 기여를 한 것은 사실이지만 웹 서비스 기술 개발과 표준화에 선구적인 역할을 해왔던 이들 기업이 한꺼번에 UBR을 폐쇄한다는 것이 약간은 성급한 결정은 아닌가 생각됩니다.
마이크로소프트와 IBM으로 부터 받은 이메일을 첨부합니다.

From Microsoft

You are receiving this mail because you have registered as a publisher on the Microsoft node of the UDDI Business Registry (UBR).

The primary goal of the UBR was to prove the interoperability and robustness of the UDDI specifications through a public implementation.  This goal was met and far exceeded, and now the UBR is discontinuing its operations. As part of this process the Microsoft UBR node at uddi.microsoft.com will be permanently unavailable for all operations beginning January 12, 2006.  Data stored in the UBR may be retrieved until January 12, 2006 and used in accordance with the UDDI Business Registry terms of use available at http://uddi.microsoft.com/policies/termsofuse.aspx.  You may find the UDDI Data Export Wizard useful for retrieving your data, and it is available here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=9D467A69-57FF-4AE7-96EE-B18C4790CFFD

For more information, please see the frequently asked questions related to the UBR discontinuation at http://uddi.microsoft.com/about/FAQshutdown.htm.  You may submit feedback to Microsoft at the following location: http://uddi.microsoft.com/contact/default.aspx.

Thank You,
Microsoft UDDI Team

From IBM

You are receiving this notice because you registered at one of the IBM
UDDI sites. The IBM UDDI Business Registry, the IBM UDDI Test
Registry and the IBM UDDI Beta Test Registry web sites will no
longer be available as of January 12, 2006.

In February 2005, the Version 3 of the Universal Description, Discovery
and Integration (UDDI) V3 was approved as an OASIS standard. Having
achieved that milestone, the companies hosting the UDDI Business
Registry (UBR) evaluated the results of hosting a reference
implementation for the UDDI technology. Over the past five years, as
Web services applications have matured, the role of UDDI based
registries has also evolved in part based on testing experiences with
UBR. Registries based on UDDI have been established within enterprises
and organizations and have an important role in Web services business
applications. The availability of UBR provided valuable validation and
guidance during the early days of UDDI. Now that the benefits of this
technology have been realized and many organizations have established
their own UDDI registries, the IBM-hosted UBR will be discontinued.

IBM will continue to support UDDI in WebSphere and Rational software
products and tooling. The UDDI support in IBM products is not affected
by this announcement. Also, you may continue to use the same IBM
profile account and password to log into any other ibm.com web sites or
web applications.

Before January 12, 2006, you will still be able to access any
information from the UDDI sites using the web interfaces or Web service
APIs. The login pages for the sites are:

IBM UDDI Business Registry: https://uddi.ibm.com/ubr/registry.html
IBM UDDI Test Registry: https://uddi.ibm.com/testregistry/registry.html
IBM UDDI V3 Beta Registry: https://uddi.ibm.com/beta/registry.html

A Frequently Asked Questions document regarding this announcement has
been posted at https://uddi.ibm.com/ubr/ibm_shutdown_faq.html
Questions may be directed to our support email address at
uddisupt@us.ibm.com until January 11, 2006.

Thank you for supporting the UDDI project and providing us with valuable
feedback which allowed us to complete our goal of establishing UDDI as
a mature Web service standard.


Andrew Hately
IBM UDDI Business Registry Team